Melissa Curtis, associate vice president of Enrollment Management, Austin Community College, talks about her experience in, and what she learned from, the Emergency Aid Lab. The lab was convened in 2017 by Reos Partners to help higher education leaders, students, and faculty determine how to best structure an emergency aid program on campus to support student success. Melissa was one of more than 100 individuals who participated in the generation of practitioner-tested guidance that is now being integrated by Reos Partners into the Roadmap for Effective Emergency Aid. The Roadmap includes an interactive, online course; in-person workshops led by Reos Partners; and ongoing coaching, and will be available in the fall of 2019. For more information on the Roadmap, contact: Monica Pohlmann, Principal, Reos Partners, at
On the Verge
Financial costs and challenges go well beyond tuition for lower income students who want to stay in school and succeed.